INSPIRE: the best gym to get ready for EU Common data spaces, by Giacomo Martirano Giacomo Martirano, Co-funder and CTO at Epsilon Italia Next week, INSPIRE Conferences 2021 will start with several interesting sessions. We…
read moreTowards a Common European Green Deal Data space for environment and sustainability The conference will take place from October 25 to October | Online INSPIRE Conferences are a forum for institutions to hear and discuss…
read moreWORKSHOP#3 – Schema creation and transformation processes, A step towards High-Value Datasets Thanks to all the participants that joined us at our third workshop, find below the video and the presentations used during the event.…
read moreWORKSHOP#3 – Schema creation and transformation processes, a step towards High-Value Datasets The third workshop of GOPEG will be held online and according to the following agenda: Presentation and objectives of the workshop Project status:…
read moreNext Thursday, February 11th at 14h00 CET, during the free online webinar “Smart Data Loader and Templating for GeoServer”, the geo-COVID Watch, and hence the GO-PEG project, will be a protagonist. The workshop will illustrate…
read moreLast week, a proposal for a Regulation on European data governance was published by the European Commission. The measures are the first ones announced in the 2020 European strategy for data which is a great…
read moreManagement of geographical information sources of land occupation in Spain and Europe with QGIS We recommend you to participate in this webinar on spatial databases and datasets of land occupation in Spain in particular and…
read moreThe Go-PEG team is pleased to inform that one of our use case, geoCOVID-Watch (K. Schleidt and S. Morrone), will be presented in a webinar organized by the INSPIRE Community Forum. We encourage you to…
read moreWORKSHOP#2 – GO-PEG workflows and data requirements for data harmonisation “a step towards High Value Datasets” Thanks to all the participants that joined us to our second workshop for those who were not able to…
read moreDataCove e.U provides the public and private sectors support in leveraging the more dynamic aspects of spatial data, such as provided by sensors or other measurement sources, and integrating these into international data frameworks. DataCove…
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