Project meeting in Darmstadt, Germany (July 4-6th, 2022)
From 4 to 6 July, we held a face-to-face meeting with different members of the partner companies involved in the GOPEG project. All participating companies were warmly welcomed by Wetransform at its Darmstadt headquarters. The meeting allowed to create an updated overview of the status of the project, to make progress in the development of the different use cases and to strengthen the relationships between the project contributors.

During the meeting, we discussed the following topics :
- Use cases. Current state and future works
- Project GitHub
- Deliverables. Current state, due dates and future works
- QA-Issues and barriers, recommendations and training
- INSPIRE extended schemas
- hale>>studio and hale>>connect
- Schedule until the end of the project (March 2023)
- Next face-to-face meeting
Special thanks to the Wetransform hosts who made our stay in Darmstadt very pleasant and efficient. And thanks also to all participants who contributed to the development and further progress of the project. We will continue to work together!