Material – WORKSHOP#4

Material – WORKSHOP#4

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WORKSHOP#4 – Keeping the pace with INSPIRE developments: alternative encodings for INSPIRE and new features in hale studio

Thanks to all the participants that joined us at our fourth workshop, find below the video and the presentations used during the event. We will keep you posted for the next workshop.


Agenda Topic Presentations
PART 1 Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop
 (presentation from Thorsten Reitz – Wetransform)  
PART 2 An update by JRC
(presentation from Marco Minghini)
PART 3 GO-DEPTH use-case
 – The stakeholder perspective
(presentation from Chiara D´Ambrogi – ISPRA)

– Harmonisation challenges and status quo
(presentation from Stefania Morrone – Epsilon Italia)

– Subsurface information shared through INSPIRE
extended data model and INSPIRE alternative encodings
GML versus GPKG
UML to geopackage mapping rules
(presentation from Stefania Morrone and Thorsten Reitz)

– LIVE Demo: data transformation with hale studio,
shared semantics with Re3gistry instance,
data sharing through OGC API (via GeoServer)
(presentation from Stefania Morrone – Epsilon Italia)

PART 4 FAIRPORT use-case
(presentation from Claudia Schulte – Wetransform)
PART 5 Q&A session.  
(moderated by Giacomo Martirano- Epsilon Italia)