WORKSHOP#4 – Keeping the pace with INSPIRE developments: alternative encodings for INSPIRE and new features in hale»studio
The fourth workshop of GOPEG will be held online and according to the following agenda:
- Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop (Thorsten Reitz – wetransform)
- An update by JRC (Marco Minghini)
- GO-DEPTH use-case:
- the stakeholder perspective (Chiara D´Ambrogi – ISPRA)
- harmonisation challenges and status quo (Stefania Morrone – Epsilon Italia)
- subsurface information shared through INSPIRE extended data model and INSPIRE alternative encodings (Stefania Morrone and Thorsten Reitz)
- GML versus GPKG
- UML to geopackage mapping rules
- LIVE Demo: data transformation with hale studio, shared semantics with Re3gistry instance, data sharing through OGC API (via GeoServer) (Stefania Morrone)
- FAIRPORT use-case (Claudia Schulte – wetransform)
- Q&A session. Feel free to bring your questions! (Giacomo Martirano – Epsilon Italia)
The GO-PEG Workshop 2021 will be held on December 2th – 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Register here