Information related to GO-PEG stakeholders will be published here.
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DataCove e.U provides the public and private sectors support in leveraging the more dynamic aspects of spatial data, such as provided by sensors or other measurement sources, and integrating these into international data frameworks. DataCove…

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ISPRA 477 211 GO-PEG

The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), has been established by Decree no. 112 of 25 June 2008, converted into Law no. 133 (with…

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Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency

Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency 500 204 GO-PEG

Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency provides the public and private sectors with high-quality data, enabling them to make important decisions within society, based on the best foundation possible. We are a workplace with broad…

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IHCantabria 555 215 GO-PEG

The Environmental Hydraulics Institute “IHCantabria” is a joint research center that carries out research, knowledge transfer and training of specialists in the fields of fresh and saltwater. This work has allowed IHCantabria to be at…

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Become Stakeholder

Become Stakeholder 505 339 GO-PEG

GO-PEG is actually a large-scale test bed for the automation of new transformation techniques (ETLs) that can meet previously affected challenges. These techniques allow data producers and users to discover the heterogeneity of the data…

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