Agenda – WORKSHOP#2

Agenda – WORKSHOP#2

Agenda – WORKSHOP#2 504 285 GO-PEG

WORKSHOP#2 – GO-PEG workflows and data requirements for data harmonisation “a step towards High Value Datasets”

The workshop is divided in three parts, after each part there will be 10 minutes for questions about the presentation.
At the end of the three parts, there will be 20 minutes for answering any pending question or doubt.
During the presentation, the audience could interact with the presenters through the chat and Slido.

Presented by:

Danny Vandenbroucke – KU Leuven
Marco Minghini – JRC
Marc Olijslagers – KU Leuven
Giacomo Martirano – Epsilon Italia
Stefania Morrone – Epsilon Italia
Carsten Iversen – Geokom
Ignacio Arias Matilla – Geograma


Time Agenda Topic
9:00-9:45 What is GO-PEG?
– Presentation and objectives of the workshop (Danny Vandenbroucke)
– Introduction to GO-PEG (Marc Olijslagers)
– The evolution of environmental data sharing in Europe: an INSPIRE perspective (Marco Minghini JRC)
– The data workflow: how GO-PEG works (Stefania Morrone)
9:45-10:10 Use cases overview (Carsten Iversen)
Brief overview of all use cases selected for the project classified by domain (water, transport, hazards)
10:10-10:40 Use cases in detail
Two use cases of the project will be presented in more detail
“COAST” (Ignacio Arias Matilla) :Assessment of the impact of coastal flood risk on population
10:40-11:10 “GeoCovid Watch” (Stefania Morrone) :A living inventory of the (main) projects and initiatives using geospatial data and technologies in relation to COVID-19 pandemic, with an eye on edge data sharing technologies.
11:10-11:30 Open questions session (moderated by Giacomo Martirano)
-1572Days -5Hours -33Minutes -5Seconds

Date: The GO-PEG Workshop 2020 will be held on October 29th – 09:00 AM

100% virtual.

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